Just some observations in this crazy world

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. Thought it was time to take a quick look at the world around me lately and tell you what I see. First off, the hard chargin’ band  West 34  is ready to jam out again this Saturday night at Rolling Lanes (bar) bowling alley in Countryside. If you missed them at […]


I’ll Give Ya A Hero

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……… As I see a couple of the biggest back-patting pageants on full display lately, it reminds me of how much we over-glorify those that don’t deserve it. People who have no business being celebrated in the overblown manner in which these shows do it. They are not deities. A good deal […]


Cool episode of Survivor on Thursday

Posted by Gmoney on November 7, 2009 in blindsides/ambushes, Goodfellas, Hollywood, Jeff Probst, media, Shambo, Survivor, television |

Dude, I’m tellin ya………. I really enjoyed this past Thursday’s episode of Survivor and it’s not just because Pretty Boy Probst didn’t show up until about 7:28 or so. At the very end, it made me think of the scene from Goodfellas where Joe Pesci walks into the bar and an old acquaintance breaks his balls about […]


Feeling sorry for today’s kids and pop culture

Dude, I’m tellin ya……….. Whenever I visit my sister’s house and her family, I often think to myself how I wish I could interest my nephews and nieces in what is actually “cool”. Quite obviously I am getting old. And turning into one of those fuddy-duddys (did I actually just type that term?) that thinks […]

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