My Dirty Dozen Prophecies Revisited

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………… Well, it’s been another 7 or 8 weeks since I last reviewed my Dirty Dozen prophecies that I made on 11/5/09. I last checked on them 12/23/09 and a couple had already come true. And I know that another one came awfully close since then—but failed—so I thought perhaps I’d take […]


Asshole of the Month: December 2009

Dude, I’m tellin ya……….. I was tempted to forego selecting an Asshole of the Month for December and instead giving a huge honor to the overall 2009 Asshole of the Year. Really, that was just an idea to take the easy way out. I was finding the pickings somewhat slim this month. Some would say that Tiger […]


Like the news….keeping you up-to-date (but the truth)

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. We were waiting for a decent snowstorm to start landing today and into tomorrow to the tune of 5-9 inches. My area would have only gotten about 5 inches. But up near Rockford and that northern area, they were predicting as much as 9 inches. Right up until last night I […]


Asshole of the Month November 2009

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…….. There were a couple of solid contenders for this month’s award. I can’t tell you how bad I would like to honor Chicago Bears head coach Lovie Smith here today. But that’s more of a personal thing. Really, it’s a “Chicago” thing. And despite what he’s doing to my favorite football […]

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