More crazy-ass stories in the news

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……….. There’s some news stories coming out in the last few days that are of the variety that just make you shake your head. Could the Mayans be right? Is the world coming to an end in just over 1000 days? If we all keep acting like this, something has gotta give. Apparently […]


Video games and aggression

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…………. Don’t let the title of this one deceive you. It’s not a deep-rooted psychological examination of the correlation of video games and aggression. Hell, it hurt my head just to type those words. I’m not bright enough to pull off something like that. It’s just that I witnessed something yesterday that […]


Some wacky stuff in the news lately

Dude, I’m tellin ya’…………… First off, if you didn’t make it out for the Dick Ourada band this past Saturday night, then you really missed out. The band did three long sets and an encore including a little Ozzy (Crazy Train), a Waylon Jennings tune (Luckenbach Texas), a Grateful Dead tune (One More Saturday Night), […]

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