Survivor Episode 2 Loaded With Surprises

Posted by Gmoney on September 26, 2009 in Hollywood, Jeff Probst, media, Shambo, Survivor, television |

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………… Initially, I was disappointed with this past Thursday’s Survivor episode.  I watched it with one of my buddies who is a big fan and we both found it quite entertaining. That was mainly because of the humorous comments (at least to us) that we made throughout the show. I found myself disappointed […]


Survivor season kicks off this past Thursday

Posted by Gmoney on September 19, 2009 in celebrity, fame, Hollywood, Jeff Probst, media, Shambo, Survivor, television, trends |

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……………….. Before I get into the first episode of the latest season of Survivor that premiered this past Thursday (9/17), I wanted to share a little story. My brother hates these reality shows. Like me, he enjoys mocking and ripping on the contestants, their petty squabbles, and the whole genre in general. […]


Feeling sorry for today’s kids and pop culture

Dude, I’m tellin ya……….. Whenever I visit my sister’s house and her family, I often think to myself how I wish I could interest my nephews and nieces in what is actually “cool”. Quite obviously I am getting old. And turning into one of those fuddy-duddys (did I actually just type that term?) that thinks […]


Here’s to another upcoming season of Survivor

Posted by Gmoney on September 12, 2009 in celebrity, fame, Hollywood, Jeff Probst, media, music, sports, Survivor, television |

Dude, I’m tellin ya……. Yes, I admit it.  Sometimes I listen to Neil Diamond or Mariah Carey music. Sometimes I watch reruns of Friends. I almost——ALMOST—teared up watching Million Dollar Baby when the girl boxer got paralyzed. And when Edith Bunker died on All in the Family. And I admit that I am a big-time, rabid fan […]


Making stars out of scum

Posted by Gmoney on August 27, 2009 in celebrity, court, crime, fame, Hollywood, media, politics |

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. One of the things that really grinds my gears is how the media make celebrities out of pure filth. We’re talking about the dregs of society here. Women that ruin political careers. Women that have eight babies putting her own health and the health of every one of the newborns in […]


The celebrity bennies never end

Posted by Gmoney on August 25, 2009 in celebrity, Chicago Blackhawks, crime, Hollywood, justice, music, NHL hockey, sports |

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……. It’s not enough that all these celebrities that get shoved down our throat every day get paid all the money that we are oh-so aware of. We all know a Julia Roberts or a Brad Pitt or a Jim Carrey get $20 million a movie. Or that Derek Jeter or Alex […]

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