George Carlin knew bullshit when he saw it

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. I’m feeling a little bit on the ledge today. Why is it that whenever you seem to be working hardest toward your goals and really doing everything “right”, that is when you make the least progress and suffer the most setbacks? It’s times like that when shortcuts and cheating one’s way […]


OK, We Get It—You Wrote a Book

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…………. Like oh-so-many great observations, this one came from that group of drunken slobs that I watch football with on Sundays. For a bunch of guys who can’t win a confidence pool or their fantasy team games, they sure do see the rest of the world in a pretty clear light. I […]


Survivor vote somewhat predictable

Posted by Gmoney on October 30, 2009 in Hollywood, Jeff Probst, media, Shambo, Survivor, television, trends |

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……………. Last night’s episode of Survivor didn’t have anything too dramatic or tragic like when a player had to be removed from the game last week. It was more of a basic episode where they at least seperated the reward/immunity challenges into different contests. The show started with the one tribe “electing” Shambo […]


Let’s Face It: There’s really no stopping terrorism

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………. My buddy is one of those guys who likes to send out a lot of political crap in his emails. The type where it encourages you to send it to 20 of your own friends so that a worldwide boycott on buying gasoline for one day can happen. Or to bother […]


World Series a Match-up of the True Best

Dude, I’m tellin ya………. So tonite is the start of the World Series. Even though I’m a rabid baseball fan, I’ve never gotten too excited about the Series. I kind of like the playoffs themselves a little better than the World Series. And even the playoffs don’t grab me if one of the two Chicago […]


Medical emergency on Survivor

Posted by Gmoney on October 22, 2009 in Hollywood, Jeff Probst, media, Shambo, Survivor, television, trends |

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya……………… This week’s episode started off with a statement from pot-bellied Russell that I totally agree with. I often question the alleged toughness that these people have to go thru on the show. Oh, they don’t eat for 3 days….welcome to unemployment. But anyway, pot-bellied Russell was saying he welcomed the non-stop rain that […]


The workplace; comedy’s best source of material

Posted by Gmoney on October 21, 2009 in comedy, corporate, humor, industry, the office/workplace, trends |

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…………… I’ve acknowledged before that I’ve been out of work for a number of months. Or to use the politically correct format of NFL announcers, I’ve been “in-between jobs” for a while. Isn’t that so much nicer? This seems to give me a lot of time to watch sitcom reruns like The Office […]


Here’s an idea for a new sports channel

Posted by Gmoney on October 20, 2009 in alcohol, Chicago Bears, crime, journalism, marketing, media, NFL football, Sopranos, sports, television, trends |

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya………… As we’ve seen in some previous posts after a weekend of watching football with the boys, I often think one of us actually crapped out a good idea while watching the games. I’ve had an idea here for many years. So it’s not a brand new brainstorm I just had this […]


Are There Any Really Good Scams Left Out There ?

Posted by Gmoney on October 19, 2009 in crime, justice, Las Vegas, missing children, movies, NFL football, scams/hoaxes, Sopranos, sports, trends |

Dude, I’m tellin’ ya…………. As the story continues to unfold about the jackass out in Colorado who (at this point) seems to have definitley staged his balloon taking off with his young son allegedly on-board, it put me to thinking. I’m a guy that loves a good scam. I’ve participated in a number of them. […]


Survivor cast-off not a huge surprise

Posted by Gmoney on October 16, 2009 in Hollywood, Jeff Probst, media, Shambo, Survivor, television, trends |

Dude, I’m tellin ya………… So another episode of Survivor aired last night. Call me a pig all you want, but fourteen days down….the last two in the pouring rain……and some of these women are still cute, goddamn it ! But the ranks of the cute girls is getting thin after Ashley was voted off. It wasn’t a […]

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